Richard “Dick” Hunt
3/10/34 – 2/22/19
Our Beloved Brother in Christ…
Now Rejoicing in Christ’s Presence

Brother Dick Hunt entered into the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ at 4:10 p.m. on February 22, 2019 at South Peninsula Hospital in Homer, Alaska. His remains were interred at the Ninilchik Cemetery on Saturday, May 18, 2019, with his nephews Richard, Russell and Steven Hunt in attendance. A later service was held at Calvary Baptist Church on Saturday, June 29, 2019.
Richard Francis Hunt, Jr.
Eulogy by Dick’s Nephew, Rich Hunt
Born March 10, 1934 in Bridgewater, Massachusetts to Richard & Julia Hunt as the oldest son of three boys who nicknamed him “Bigfoot” and was better known as Dick
- Middle brother Bob, and youngest was Donald
- Donald’s son’s are Steve, Rich & Russ all still living on East Coast in NH, MA & MD
Lived his life on a long journey and growing relationship with God doing exactly what he loved because it was what God intended for a life spent outdoors with a small circle of friends and family
- Most valued his time fishing, hunting, camping, traveling, gardening
- Very quiet and soft spoken man who had a sincere value of genuine relationships within the community
- Always willing and wanting to serve others by lending a hand
Man who listened with both ears and spoke with one mouth – quiet demeanor but always attentive, interested in serving others, and a peaceful way about him
Early years spent fishing
- Commonly in trouble with high school principal and father due to skipping school to fish
- Once spent night out on water in a 12 foot wooden skiff in Buzzard’s Bay, MA because he hooked up on a shark and continued to fight it well into the night – significant trouble with his father
- story relayed to nephews by Don and re-told at family dinners
- Once spent night out on water in a 12 foot wooden skiff in Buzzard’s Bay, MA because he hooked up on a shark and continued to fight it well into the night – significant trouble with his father
1956-’58 Served in US Army as a motor pool vehicle mechanic including Korea in ‘58
Post Army Honorable Discharge used VA loan to purchase small commercial properties in Buzzard’s Bay, MA to start a Fishing Bait Shop & Boat Service Yard with brother Don who was recovering from cancer treatment at age 26
- Bank approved loan based on buildings on property as collateral
- Banker furious a month later when he stopped by and saw Dick & Don had torn down all of the buildings (collateral) for more boat yard space
They had bigger plans and built a very successful family-run community service-oriented business which greatly shaped all of our lives and is still a significant part of the community today – still carrying on his name under new family ownership – but still “Dick’s Marine Brokerage”
- Spent spring, summer, fall working boat yard then cut Christmas trees in Canada to sell at boatyard to then fund Dick & Don’s winter trip to FL Keys to fish and attend the Daytona 500 NASCAR race
- Continued this work rhythm until retired in 1986 (sold half of business to brother Don) and made first road trip to Alaska to camp, hike, and fish.
Spent initial retirement years giant tuna fishing out of Cape Cod, camping and fishing in Maine, winters in FL Keys fishing and camping with alternative trips to Alaska – all still as a single man
Met Mary Sofie in 1991 in FL Keys and married in Cape Cod that same year
Mary and Dick camped & fished together in Alaska and bought a home and moved to Ninilchik in 1993
- Spent winters in Hawaii snorkeling, camping, and fishing
- Lifestyle sounds extravagant – but was extremely simple and focused existences which valued time doing what he loved
A special thanks for all of the amazing blessings, care, and love to Uncle Dick from the church, Pastor Kit and Jon, the amazing Ninilchik community of friends and neighbors, the caregivers at Happy Valley Assisted Living, the doctors and nurses, care coordinators, and especially Willie & Marilyn Morris, Beverly Welborne, Myrtle & Elroy Erickson, Erica Neland (Happy Valley), Mike, Joe, Vicki, and so many others – you are a special group of people and the Hunt family knows Uncle Dick was exactly where God intended him to be – surrounded by all of you.
Last story – Rich remembers as a young teenager out on a boat with Uncle Dick in Buzzard’s Bay, MA – they were completing a late season job on a very cold, rainy, raw November day
- Just outside of the Cape Cod canal Rich pointed out a shell fisherman in the water and commented on how miserable that looked on that day
- Uncle Dick simply said – “Well I don’t know Rich, It’s just him and his Lord above out there – What could be better than that?”
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