Looking for a gospel preaching church on Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula?
You’ve found us! Welcome to Calvary Baptist Church in Ninilchik, Alaska.

If you’re looking for a Bible teaching, gospel preaching church, we may be the church for you.
Gospel Preaching Church
The extent of our preaching is wide. Our desire is to understand the entire counsel of God. Therefore, we do not avoid difficult passages. We examine everything. Yet, at the same time, our focus in preaching is narrow. In all studies, we strive to exalt and emphasize the great saving work of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our pastor takes an approach to gospel preaching and Bible teaching which is simple, biblical and effective. His gospel preaching and Bible teaching are characterized by three basic principles. Our pastor calls it “3-D Preaching.”
3-D Preaching Principles
Devotional. Gospel preaching must first be devotional. Good, solid preaching must be Christ-exalting. Jesus Christ’s person and work must be the primary focus. Moreover, the preaching must draw the soul nearer to Christ. If the sermon, teaching or devotional doesn’t make one increasingly devoted to Jesus Christ, it is of little use.
Doctrinal. Preaching must also be doctrinal (or propositional). It is not the job of a preacher to entertain or to share his opinions. The Bible is our sole authority for all matters pertaining to what we believe and how we must live. Therefore, our preaching of truth must be set forth from God as revealed in His holy Word. For this reason, we encourage listeners to follow closely in their own Bibles, questioning everything they hear to see whether it is biblical.
Dutiful. Finally, preaching should also be dutiful (practical application). Hearing a sermon is not merely an intellectual pursuit. We don’t see this in scripture. Good preaching must also instruct us how to live. Biblical sermons always challenge the listener to think, yet, it also provokes the listener to act upon what he or she has heard. One of the most basic applications in preaching was urging sinners to repent and trust in Christ. There are certainly more applications besides this one, however. Gospel preaching commands God’s people to live according to the Bible, obediently serving God in all they think, say and do.
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